Catherine Watson Genna

Lactation Consultant

Catherine Watson Genna BS, IBCLC is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in private practice in New York City. Certified in 1992, Catherine is particularly interested in helping moms and babies breastfeed when they have medical challenges. She speaks to healthcare professionals around the world on assisting breastfeeding babies with anatomical, genetic or neurological problems. Her presentations and her writing feature her clinical photographs, which have also been published widely. Her team has just wrapped up a research project using ultrasound to examine tongue movements of babies with tongue-tie before and after frenotomy (office treatment) and is preparing to publish. Her current project looks at coordination of swallowing and breathing in babies with posterior tongue-tie. She is the author of Selecting and Using Breastfeeding Tools: Improving Care and Outcomes (Hale 2009) and Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants (Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2008 – with a second edtion available in February 2012) as well as professional journal articles. Catherine is still an active La Leche League Leader and runs a monthly toddler meeting in Queens as well as an online group. Catherine currently serves as Associate Editor for the United States Lactation Consultant Association journal Clinical Lactation. Her own two offspring (who were of course breastfed!) are a seminarian and a registered nurse.

Episodes for this expert

  • GERD, Reflux and the Breastfed Baby

    If your baby has GERD (gastroesophogeal reflux disease) or acid reflux, they are probably spitting up an excessive amount of breast milk. What typically causes theses issues and what can you do to help relieve pain or discomfort in your breastfed baby?

  • Tongue Ties and Lip Ties: Symptoms, Treatments and Aftercare

    Tongue and lip ties are present in about 10-15% of the population. If your baby is diagnosed with these issues, should you get treatment? What are your options and what does the recovery process look like?

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